Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis - State of Georgia


Structure and governance

The Order is subdivided into three smaller orders, each with its own governance. The various orders confer a total of nine degrees, here called grades.

First Order

Members of the 1st Order (Frater (singular) Fratres (plural)) meet in a College, which is equivalent to a Lodge. A College is empowered to confer the first four degrees of the Society, also called the Learning Grades.

  • Grade I – Zelator
  • Grade II – Theoricus
  • Grade III – Practicus
  • Grade IV – Philosophus

A minimum of six months must elapse between the receipt of each grade. The emphasis on the work of the society is learning; therefore every member is encouraged to deliver a paper of their own work on some topic of interest in open college.

Second Order

This is equivalent to a Masonic Provincial Grand Lodge, and is headed by a Chief Adept and his deputy (Suffragan) who have jurisdiction over all of the first order Colleges within the Province.

The Chief Adept is empowered to confer three further Grades at this level to deserving Fratres of Grade IV who have been members of the Society for a minimum of four years.

  • Grade V – Adeptus Minor
  • Grade VI – Adeptus Major
  • Grade VII – Adeptus Exemptus

A minimum of one year must elapse between the receipt of grades at this level. A member can only serve as the Celebrant (Master) of a College of the First Order after receiving the Grade of Adeptus Exemptus.

Third Order

This is equivalent to a Grand Lodge, and is headed by a Supreme Magus, Senior Substitute Magus and Junior Substitute Magus.

Members of the second order who have given service to the society and been selected by the Supreme Magus for such advancement may be awarded a further two Grades.

  • Grade VIII – Magister
  • Grade IX – Magus

The jewels of the college are as follows:

  • I through VII degree: a silver bar with letters S.R.I.C.F. from which is suspended a Green ribbon and Jewel.


  • VIII degree: a gold bar with letters S.R.I.C.F. from which is suspended a Yellow ribbon and Jewel.


  • IX degree: a gold bar with letters S.R.I.C.F. from which is suspended a Red ribbon, Crown and Jewel.



The See of Supreme Council in the United States is Washington D.C.