
The purpose of this section is to provide links to papers written by YRSC Companion Knights.

All Publications have been published with the permission of the author(s) and the approval of the York Rite Sovereign College Education Committee. These papers remain the property of the author(s) and are not to be used by any party without full credit being given to the original author(s).

Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in the papers, documents, or presentations hosted on this site are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the York Rite Sovereign College Education Committee or its individual members, or the York Rite Sovereign College of North America.


Aethelflead- Melver Minton, III

Freemasonry & Patriotism – Corey Huntsucker

Hermetic Philosophy and Freemasonry- William Brunk

 More Light in the York Rite- Reagan Overby

Prairie Charity- Brian Rountree


Crusaders Archive

Winter 2008/09DownloadPosted 14 January 2009
Spring 2009DownloadPosted 21 April 2009
Fall 2009DownloadPosted 6 October 2009
Spring 2010DownloadPosted 27 April 2010
Fall 2010DownloadPosted 5 October 2010
Spring 2011DownloadPosted 7 May 2011
Fall 2011DownloadPosted 10 November 2011
Spring 2012DownloadPosted 1 May 2012
Fall 2012DownloadPosted 13 November 2012
Spring 2013DownloadPosted 3 May 2013
Fall 2013DownloadPosted 3 October 2013
Winter 2013/14DownloadPosted 19 December 2013
Spring 2014DownloadPosted 6 May 2014
Fall 2014DownloadPosted 29 September 2014
Winter 2014DownloadPosted 18 December 2014
Spring 2015DownloadPosted 28 April 2015
Fall 2015DownloadPosted 12 October 2015
Winter 2015DownloadReceived August 2016
Spring 2016DownloadPosted 1 May 2016
Fall 2016DownloadPosted 21 October 2016
Spring 2017DownloadPosted 6 July 2017
Fall 2017DownloadPosted 1 November 2017
Spring 2018DownloadPosted 29 May 2018
Fall 2018DownloadPosted 15 November 2018
Spring 2019DownloadPosted 13 June 2019
Fall 2019DownloadPosted 1 October 2019
Spring 2020DownloadPosted 6 June 2020
Fall 2020DownloadPosted 2 November 2020
Spring 2021DownloadPosted March 2021
Fall 2021DownloadPosted November 2021
Spring 2022DownloadPosted March 2022
Fall 2022DownloadPosted December 2022
Spring 2023DownloadPosted May 2023