Welcome to Zarthan Council nº329 of Allied Masonic Degrees working under the auspice of the Grand Council of AMD USA. This is invitation only organization, where all visitor must to be in good standing with current dues card.
Statewide Festival – July 20th, 2024 (*not confirmed yet*)
(registration at 7am, open at 8am) – Tyrian Lodge, Warner Robins
Usually on the 3rd Saturday in July there is a State Wide AMD degrees festival in Warner Robins, GA at Tryrian Lodge #111. (you must to confirm this event before attending).
2024 - Officers
2024 - Officers and Members
Jim House, Sovereign Master
Jack Bell, Senior Warden
William Kitchens, Junior Warden
Jeff Smith, PSM, SEC/TRES
Michael Halpin, Senior Deacon
Jason Gee, Junior Deacon
Wil Moore, Chaplain
William Garrison, Tyler
LIVING PAST SOVEREIGN MASTER Alessandro Silva (2023) Russ Gee (2022) Robert Gordon (2021) (transferred) Walter Wilson (2020) Jeff Smith (2019) Ryan Nealey (2018) Wiley Q. Forrester, III (2017) Wayne Glass (2016) Dan Causey (2004) Lanier Dasher (2002) Glenn Weber (2000)